My first bicycle (without training wheels) was one of those bikes with chopper handlebars and a banana seat. These were pretty comfy seats though I expect they weren't very aerodynamic since they were long. Mine was a really pretty shiny purple. I had this bike for a long time and was really proud of it. As you can see below, I got it for Christmas of 1965.
A wheelie bike, also called a muscle bike, high-riser, or banana bike, is a type of stylized children's bicycle designed in the 1960s to resemble a chopper motorcycle and characterized by ape hanger handlebars, a banana seat with sissy bar, and small (16-to-20-inch (410 to 510 mm)) wheels. In 1963, Schwinn introduced the Sting-Ray, the first bike with a 'banana' seat and high-rise handlebars.
I also see my Easy Bake Oven under the tree as well as a Feeley Meeley game too! I still have the Easy Bake Oven and it is ready to go out on Ebay one of these days. I remember 'baking' all those yummy cakes and brownies with just a light bulb. I also remember making a pizza that my poor grandfather was kind enough to eat. That mix was not one of Kenner's best efforts. Well, maybe I will do some more throwback posts in the future. I absconded with a few fun photos like the one above that I have to share.
Thanks for reading and please leave a comment on a childhood memory that your treasure.