It is another picture perfect day here in central NY. Big deal, you say? We have so few of these around here that it is a big deal.
For some reason I signed up for golf lessons. I learned that I am doing everything wrong and that it really is hard to teach an old dog new tricks! Once I tried swinging like I was told to I had muscles hurting that I didn't know I had.
Anyhoo, above is a new painting (OSWOA 4 X 6) It is a response to a photo challenge in the OSWOA group on Ebay. I chose this photo because I loved the colors and it reminded me of chintz. I call it 'Dusties Pansies' since it was her photo. BTW it is a watercolor on 140 lb. watercolor paper. I will be lising it shortly on ebay. My Ebay art link is on the left.
I have to run. I need to drop by the zoo on my way to golf to drop off a painting. This weekend is the annual 'Wine in the Wilderness' festival and they are having an art show for the first time.
Take Care.